
Man with a movie camera

May 17, 2023 |

19:00 Langstrasse 200

/Man with a Movie Camera/ is an experimental Soviet silent documentary film, directed by Dziga Vertov, filmed by his brother Mikhail Kaufman, and edited by Vertov’s wife Yelizaveta Svilova. In Man with a Movie Camera, Vertov implemented experiments that he carried out for many years and theoretical developments in cinematography and editing, turning the film into a film-making methodological guide for subsequent generations of directors. The camera of a talented cinematographer Mikhail Kaufman captures the motley life of Ukrainian megalopolises – Odesa, Kharkiv, and Kyiv – under New Economic Policy.

/Man with a Movie Camera/ (1929) directed by Dziga Vertov.

Language: Ukrainian with English subtitles.
